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authToken - Variable in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease


cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j - package cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j


download(String, CopyOption...) - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
Download this asset with provided path and name.
download(String, String, String, CopyOption...) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GitHubHttpUtils
download(CopyOption...) - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
Download this asset to current path with original name.


getArray(String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GitHubHttpUtils
getAssets() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
Get the assets of this release.
getAssetsURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getAuthor() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
Get the author of this release.
getAuthToken() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getAvatarURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getBody() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getBrowserDownloadURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getContents() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getContents() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getContents() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getContentType() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getCreateTime() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getCreateTime() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getDiscussionURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getDownloadCount() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getEventsURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getEventsURL(String) - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getFollowersURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getFollowingURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getFollowingURL(String) - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getGistsURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getGistsURL(int) - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getGravatarID() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getHTMLUrl() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getID() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getID() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getID() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getLabel() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getLatestRelease(String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
Get a public repository's latest release.
getLatestRelease(String, String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
Get a repository's latest release.
getLatestReleaseURL(String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
getLoginID() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getName() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getName() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getNodeID() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getNodeID() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getNodeID() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getObject(String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GitHubHttpUtils
getOrganizationsURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getOwner() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getProfileURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getPublishTime() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getReceivedEventsURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getRelease(String, String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
Get a public repository's release by the id .
getRelease(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
Get a repository's release by the id .
getReleaseByTag(String, String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
Get a public repository's release by the tag name .
getReleaseByTag(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
Get a repository's release by the tag name .
getReleasesURL(String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
getReleaseURLByTag(String, String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
getRepository() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getReposURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getSize() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getSource() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getStarredURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getStarredURL(String, String) - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getState() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getSubscriptionsURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getTagCommitIsh() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getTagName() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getTarballURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getType() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getUpdateTime() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getUploader() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
Get the uploader of this asset.
getUploadURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
getURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
getURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
getVersionBehind(String, String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
Get how many versions behind the current version's tag name.
getVersionBehind(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
Get how many versions behind the current version's tag name.
getZipBallURL() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
GH_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
GITHUB_API_URL - Static variable in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
GITHUB_URL - Static variable in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
GithubAsset - Class in cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j
GitHubHttpUtils - Class in cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j
GithubRelease - Class in cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j
GithubRelease(String, String, String, JSONObject) - Constructor for class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
GithubReleases4J - Class in cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j
GitHub Releases for Java
To provide an easy way to fetch updates and download assets.
GithubUser - Class in cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j


isDraft() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
isPrerelease() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
isSiteAdmin() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser


listReleases(String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
List a public repository's current existing releases.
listReleases(String, String, String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J
List repository's current existing releases.


of(GithubRelease, JSONObject) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
of(String, String, JSONObject) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
of(String, String, String, JSONObject) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
of(JSONObject) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
owner - Variable in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease


parseDate(String) - Static method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubReleases4J


repository - Variable in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease


setAuthToken(String) - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease


toString() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubAsset
toString() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubRelease
toString() - Method in class cc.carm.lib.githubreleases4j.GithubUser
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